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02/19/19 8:47 AM

#277 RE: Full Contact Yoga #276

If you are so sure about your claims why are you hiding behind "Full Contact Yoga"? Why don't you reveal yourself so we can have a professional/adult conversation? You choose to use social media and message boards to attack people and small businesses. I've seen all your nasty remarks on many many different companies. Do you ever have anything positive to say? I believe these comments are made to benefit yourself. Don't be a coward. I've reached out to you on multiple platforms. feel free to email me If you believe you are correct, then come forward and let's talk. I'm happy to listen and respond.

Very best,


02/20/19 2:08 PM

#278 RE: Full Contact Yoga #276

Jeremy Black aka Full Contact Yoga,
where did you go? i've been trying to reach you. all you did was respond with insulting remarks and no facts. when you say you did your due diligence and 8 shells going at a them...if you refuse to reach out to me at the email address I gave you and you prefer to personally attack businesses and people's character in the public arena then I have to expose you as someone who is making up false claims. Have you ever called the company or spoken to a representative of the company? I would like to give you an opportunity to back up your claims.

Look forward to hearing from you. Private or public.

Very best,