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02/19/19 11:55 AM

#46090 RE: zerosum #46084

All companies raise money. ALLLLL. And all OTC stocks typically dilute the crap out their shareholders with billions of shares of dilution. They also take loans from toxic dilutive lenders and market makers. QSEP doesn’t not do that. PERIOD. Why? Because QSEP is preserving it's share structure and it's current investors and future institutional investment. This is obvious if you know anything about OTC companies. This is one reason why QSEP will move a lot higher while its trading on the OTC before they uplist to a major exchange.

Absurd! The requirements to uplist to Nasdaq would require QSEP to have a Net Tangible Net Asset Value of 80M. Qsep current NAV is -1.8M. IMO there us less than a 1% chance of that happening within 5 years. AOC'S Green deal has a better shot!

PLEASE DO YOUR HOMEWORK PEOPLE. Those that do not and just have an axe to grind can say anything. I’ve taken classes on OTC fundamentals and how to read filings specifically on OTC companies with one of the best and most respected OTC investors on twitter. Did I do my homework before I went heavy into QSEP? You betcha. Don’t listen to bs to fool you into thinking QSEP is just trying to sell paper. Learn the facts. ALL companies dilute! Period! Big board companies only difference is they have earnings and that covers/offsets the dilution. But they sell stock via many many ways. Secondary offerings on the open market and debt and equity offerings. Look at the filings. What you want to watch out for on the OTC are companies that don’t have any sort of plan, do not have any sort of products, and are only interested in diluting shareholders with billions of shares. Ones that change industries. Did anyoen here know that 30%-40% of all OTC companies change their name and industry based on what markets are hot at the moment? Many went to crypto when that was hot, when that dies they all switched to MJ and CBD now. That is not QSEP, not by miles.

High-quality garbage is still garbage. Here are the shares added in the last 8 years through 3rd Q 2018. If calculated since inception the numbers are even more outrageous. From a cash standpoint over a 100M in investment was burned primarily on salaries and overhead. Qsep has nothing to show for it but 5 prototypes with ONLY one potential FREE test on the horizon and QSEP will PAY to deliver, service and maintain this device. This.. after blowing its last two major pilots attempts and a succession of executives that conveniently exited right before both tests were revealed as "not ready for prime time". Kyte was gone before TCPL. Bigger was gone before the company begrudgingly acknowledged the suspension of whatever was left of the Kinder Morgan Vaporware agreement.

20183Q 254,198,000 19,221,093 8.18%
2017 234,976,907 42,145,097 21.86%
2016 192,831,810 9,000,233 4.90%
2015 183,831,577 2,803,333 1.55%
2014 181,028,244 4,785,427 2.72%
2013 176,242,817 32,575,247 22.67%
2012 143,667,570 29,394,100 25.72%
2011 114,273,470 22,820,276 24.95%
2010 91,453,194 20,163,798 28.28%

QS has a plan to move into sales they have laid out clearly. Shall I repeat it here? PILOT=DATA=COMERCIAL SALES. They may have been slow to getting there, but I would say even the most dim witted can see the company has laid out a track to sales. QS has been extremely thoughtful as to the amounts and how they have diluted and who is funding the company since Cecil left. I know this firsthand as a fact because I am one of the funders and the two or three groups that I am a part of have been the main funders for QSEP. The largest funders and the company know who holds the paper here, and its long term investors like myself that see a clear path to sales and profitability. This is not toxic dilution. Not by a million miles.

Simplistic view. Every company has a plan but it’s the ones that can execute in the shortest period that get the cheese. The so-called “track to sales” would be of high priority 8 years ago, not after millions have been squandered and three different management teams waltz in to fix the show.

After this amount of time there is on ONE REASON: They don’t want to screw the company's chances of getting to sales with room for institutional investment, because they know that when they move into commercialization and sales that they will need a place for institutional investment. And don’t fall for the the bs -that this is a bad thing. It’s a great thing to have institutional investment . It means the company has a serious future. ALL big board companies have institutional investment. And as shareholders we want that. One reason is because institutional investors will support the company both on the debt and the equity side. And that investment will allow QS to build units without relying on other funders or st the mercy of its customers. And yes they will buy the stock in the market too and support it. Hands down we want institutional investment. I’m psyched for it. That’s what this upcoming conference is for: INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS. So my friends, before you start believing all the bullshit that is put forth here please do your homework and learn how companies work. It will answer a lot of questions and you won’t need to rely on others for false info.

Qsep doesn’t have intuitional investment and they won’t unless they can achieve several years of reoccurring sales. If that happens MAYBE a case could be made for selling off ownership as such a clip but the promo conference is just another venue for selling more convertible notes which BTW can is used primarily for seeding new ventures and not an ongoing method of financing a business that has been around for 20 year and claims legitimacy...but apparently the twitter OTC trading classes left that detail out. It is also curious to note that QS energy spends money on the small-cap promotional show instead of focusing on product sales and marketing through conventional trade conferences. It doesn’t make sense. Nobody is going to backdoor into this space without spending some serious dough on Trade participation. Qsep obviously doesn’t have the money to do any of it because they have not managed its cash resources or executed any of its various product strategies with any competent level of effectiveness. This isn't just "taking longer" it is an abuse of the company's fiduciary duties to its shareholders to manage it's cash reserves and execute its market strategy, which has flip-flopped more times than a lying politician. Qsep has been unable to secure any banking lines of credit even though it's been touted for years that discussions have taken place with various lending institutions. Then reality sets in that NO legitimate bank would touch them with a 10 ft pole!