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11/10/06 11:18 AM

#1923 RE: EMarshall #1922

Having started two companies myself---a lot smaller than TKO---I do know that it is all about cash burn at startup. As for my expectations for this past quarter, I have now been involved in this stock for close to 2 years, and I expected dissippation of spending, by now,and more revenue to replace it..(after 7 years in business)....I noticed also, although I did not copy and paste it to my previous post...that MORE stock shares are being used as payment for some things, which directed my attention to dilution of shares, in general. Now I am not a stock GURU, as many are on this board...I still have a lot to learn....and I am not running for office, either, so the best I can do is interpret these things based on my understanding, using my interpretation of common sense, and I don't worry much about whether anyone likes what I say or not....I did not like the clause where if the shares were not at a certain price, more shares were given to even up the dollar amount to be paid....The price of the shares, SHOULD HAVE been up by now---and that clause SHOULD HAVE been MOOT..but that is not the case. I am also concerned about the payout to MST in January---as I see it, that may require another 'loan' from somewhere....YET, salaries have gone up, stock option GIVEN to managers has increased, cost of doing business has increased--and there seems to be no revenue of any significance--not even from MST, to justify all this. Too many things have been given away, IMO, and there are way more loose ends flying around in the wind waiting for someone to tie them all together. R&D has decreased...common sense says that means they have the product the way they want and need it to be competitive, and they are selling it....but who is buying it? VAR's don't bump up the bottom line when it comes to revenue---so who seems to be getting a reward for this company doing business? Surely not the stock-holders--so far.

For those who do not like what I am pointing out here, do not misunderstand and assume I am bashing the stock or the company....I am merely pointing ot things stated in the 10Q that I am not comfortable with. With all the potential this company has to offer---something is not happening to foster that potential in a positive way. WE can all dream about 'what it could be'...but the 10Q is what is REAL.

So what am I missing? Again, I am open for discussion.
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11/10/06 11:28 AM

#1925 RE: EMarshall #1922

I think we didn't get pounded because tko investors are becoming experts at putting lip stick on a pig. We keep dressing it up and it is still a pig. I was really feeling like pulling the trigger on my whole load yesterday morning and then Pizzrod makes his high and mighty statement and I bought it hook ,line and sinker. GGL thinks this and feels that but may have too much emotion in her investments.(Not busting on her I think she is a fine person)I've got to just remember to look at the numbers...big run=sell, big dip=buy