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02/15/19 10:01 AM

#700 RE: DeepDive #699

I think ATVI shareholders will sue Activision for not disclosing this lawsuit once ATVI has to pay royalties.


02/15/19 10:23 AM

#701 RE: DeepDive #699

Think about it. Atvi gave Destiny to Bungie with no strings attached as a peace offering so they wouldn't turn around and sue Activision for not disclosing to them that they could possibly be using Worlds patents. The owner of Worlds offered Activision a licensing deal and they blew him off. Was Destiny not Making money for Activision? It sure upset a lot of shareholders when the split was announced as the stock dropped almost $5 that day. The lawsuit wasn't supposed to get this far for Activision as it tried to bankrupt Worlds but failed.