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09/14/19 12:29 PM

#17983 RE: JMMatthews #15071

Huh? Discovery got underway last year February and now you have the results. The judge threw the entirety of the case out, but allowed Mr.Pericles Deavila a continuance for his contract tort which should be dispensed with quite soon, despite Mr.Deavila throwing up another red herring.


$SECI Judge approved ruling, discovery for Sector 10 plaintiffs will get underway now.

Form 10Q 12/31/18 should be filled today as well.

#Ethics #Transparency #Justice
8:10 AM - 14 Feb 2019


10/15/19 4:47 AM

#19459 RE: JMMatthews #15071

I estimate $SECI damages with RICO could be 10 - 200 Billion+ with all the companies including PSIA and Microsoft and whoever else was a cheater. Expect the market to pay a premium for a Breakout Technology Stock with unlimited earnings potential. #FirefightersforSector10 #Justice #WhiteCollarCrimes #RICO #ShortSqueeze #AmericanHistory #MultiBillionDollarProblem