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learning curve

02/19/19 3:35 AM

#812 RE: Briboy #811

I have nothing to say regarding your post at the moment....
I’m just thinking and sharing and haven’t developed a plan of action.

I think that there has been a complete disconnect between the players in the market, how it functions, and reality. Value systems both moral and monetary have more than just shifted.
The credence given to charts and history may become obsolete (if one wants to be profitable?)
Perception is reality in certain arenas of thought....and for good reason.

Here is just an example of chaos; I’d advise to just contemplate it best one’s just words laid out...
First I must make it clear that more and more of the participants beleive in manipulation and that the world is more unsafe than ever. However; most all participants do not Respect their own ignorance...this is demonstrated in the lack of foresight and dependency on history to rationalize. One might as well print Nostradamus as science....

And another chaos: oil gains/retains stability. Us economy slows (why? Sections ** following later if I get to it). Oil rises(but you ask? With the current #s and a slow down in overall growth you can count on less demand...others countries have become less dependent on both our consumption and investment ((protectionism’s clearest fault.)) us oil could rocket up in the anticipation of internal failure as a mechanic.)

I’m incapable of finishing and maintains any sort of organization to continue...mind is going a bit fast

I’m looking into idea of selling oil via options and simultaneously buying gold in late spring to early summer.

As a note if i haven’t told you before....i don’t vote....I consider myself unqualified to make any vote other than the purchase or sale of an equity when I do such (ps the only qualification I have to do such; is capital...nothing more / nothing less....and that too comes with grains of salt.)

One thing that tips my brain about space,
is ; that life was born zero sum without it