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02/13/19 9:37 PM

#121135 RE: Jeffpacman #121133

No anxiety here...I will have a heart attack by April. LOL

Gold prospector

02/13/19 10:21 PM

#121139 RE: Jeffpacman #121133

Per the CEO letter “We continue to pursue completion of a multi-year audit to bring ARYC’s public company financial reporting current. The CEO, Board of Directors and our dedicated team of employees, advisors and consultants have created a vibrant, new Arrayit Corporation that is primed for intensive growth as a high volume clinical laboratory.”


02/14/19 12:41 AM

#121151 RE: Jeffpacman #121133

totally with you on this.

Once the fins finally get out, this could be one hell of a story for a BOOK to be published.