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02/12/19 9:31 PM

#34572 RE: samsamsamiam #34570

Wow, amazing, astonishing, mind blown, no way....2008? lol try harder :-)

Status: Permanently Revoked File Date: 8/29/2008
Type: Domestic Corporation Entity Number: E0551172008-7
Qualifying State: NV List of Officers Due: 9/30/2008

this was something he personally did in 2008 and has 0 to do with this stock.
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02/12/19 9:45 PM

#34577 RE: samsamsamiam #34570

Guess who contacted and talked with Jessica Georgescu today? I DID.

Terra-Formance and The US Department of Energy
Terra-Formance worked with the US Department of Energy on this report last year. They are listed on page 3 under the Acknowledgements.
JP Hoffman Southland Energy
Jessica Georgescu, Terra-formance
She is also listed as one of the three managers for Terra-Formance along with Jason Hoffman and JESSICA L WHEELER
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02/12/19 9:59 PM

#34594 RE: samsamsamiam #34570
