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04/02/19 12:21 PM

#3793 RE: asp42001 #3748

"LA" Hoch Appointment Guardian Ahead Of Its Time

Today's news... female student got into what she through was her UBER ride. The back seat doors were locked, so she couldn't get out. She was found murdered shortly thereafter.

Louis A Hoch and wife launched an Appointment Guardian solution, aimed at protecting real-estate Agents from being robbed, hurt or killed.

UBER, LYFT and others providing a delivery service, could adopt an Appointment Guardian solution, one that protects drivers as well as passengers.

Appointment Guardian was ahead of its time. I'd like to see PYDS re-start what "LA" Hoch provided years ago.

Digital smart card and smart phone records. FAN cards can be used to pay for an UBER ride, after a night-on-the-town. Avoid DUIs.. FAN Cards are worth their weight-in-gold!

Billserv/Payserv records & Appointment Guardian Security? Will PYDS stock appreciate, before UBER launches its IPO??

Back-office operations like dot coms of past, are NOT recognize or understand by the general public.

Dial-Up 877-PDS-PAYS. DEAL load & reloadable Akimbo/PYDS Smart-Cards!
