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02/07/19 6:59 PM

#24032 RE: ChazMichaelMichaelz #24031

The then CFO Philip van den Berg is now at


02/07/19 7:45 PM

#24036 RE: ChazMichaelMichaelz #24031

If they were going to fire him they should have done this back in December and cleaned the mess up then;I understand they had to "investigate" but let's be real,I would venture to guess they know nothing more about the transactions than they did before the investigation ,they simply got more solid "confirmation" of actions by SD ,,,,but why would they wait until now after the share price had begun it's climb back out of the shitter?

A lot of things don't make sense and as others have said there seems to be more to this story and as you state it's a no winner either way it goes.

or to say it another way ..... it's a Lose/Lose situation

Sure Namaste has valued assets etc. but ,

"A stock is only valued at the price anyone is willing to pay at any point in time" ....well perception becomes reality and from here forward it is most definitively going to be about perception.

A few months ago it was valued at $3.00 USA now .80 cents Weeeeeeee!

Crazy town !


Good timing = money to be made for those that can afford to risk it ... but timing will be important .... those in higher are probably going to have to have much patience.


02/08/19 8:15 AM

#24062 RE: ChazMichaelMichaelz #24031

Yes, they silenced him with the 420 removal and then booted him in poor fashion. Now they have created a crazy x-girl friend scenario with Sean since he wants record cleared.

I don't feel too bad for him and his 20 million shares, he'll be just fine. They need to shut him up for this to blow over faster.


02/08/19 3:58 PM

#24143 RE: ChazMichaelMichaelz #24031

Namaste is the Champion.

SD is the chump


He could not control his greed.

He did himself in, he has no one to blame but himself.

Very stupid on his part... he could of been a somebody...

Now he will alwys be known as selling knock offs out of his car trunk...