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Moving On

02/05/19 8:20 PM

#43216 RE: schecter #43213

If that is all you have so far it is going be a long search.


02/06/19 10:28 AM

#43223 RE: schecter #43213

So the Dr is a fraud just like Rene, why is that not a big shocker.

Evey thing about this POS is a lie, all fabricated bullshit.

Sure what is it? Maybe our internet is different ;). Lets see the proof. Link. John are you referring to this. Call them. Never heard of him.

Completely fake resume from the new guy. Debunked. 100%

The new Ceo, similar to Rene, nothing on his resume checks out so far. No record with the AMA members or non members. Is anything real in pennystocks? JR posted a resume picture. We are supposed to believe that is a real resume from a doctor? Not dissing you John though you just reposted. All 3 current places of employment now never heard of him . That address on the resume, called the county, that name never owned any property in that county. Broken record here.