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09/19/03 11:19 AM

#17055 RE: 427Cobra #17054

I think they are doing right by waiting and this is why I think that. A confused buyer cannot make a buying decision. If you are ever explaining this stock you start out on the tech, eventually, you have to bring up the movie. That is a major left field subject change and people just go what? Credibility drops and because of the confusion of it all a bias is formed and info coming into their brain is skewed from that point on. People usually shut down (reticular activating system)all info at the point. In other words the best way to sell something is as simplistic as possible. Removing the confusion of the movie and the possibility of someone getting sidetracked and then possibly losing them does that and is worth the wait.

If you think about it they have said FPGA this year, ASIC next year and revenue first half. That is a bunch of major events in the next 9 months. That means they have an elaborate plan all ready to go. Brad confirmed that we are waiting on the movie to get out of the way and once that occurs things will start rolling the way we want it to. This in my opinion is the most crucial step, in a list of many crucial steps, with more to come. The point is you do not want to screw up the announcement to the world of RIM. At a cost of a couple weeks or a month. In the grand scheme of things that is nothing.