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02/07/19 3:31 PM

#3851 RE: 420man #3849

I wouldn't get too excited, that was a $6800 transaction and his 11,000 shares, just became 733 shares.


02/08/19 12:11 PM

#3856 RE: 420man #3849

Insiders are executing options, so that they can get more shares in their hands, in an attempt to get enough votes to pass the R/S proposition. This is a power grab, and it's painfully obvious. If they split us enough times and get shares into the heads of those that vote with them, they will eventually gain control. Because they are only going to dilute more and award themselves more shares/options and will eventually max out the A/S once again. And let's be honest, no one who is stuck here is going to invest any more $$$ at this point and they know that, so we have less power with each R/S.

Remember, in a R/S the O/S decreases, but the A/S will not be uneffected, so all this does is give them more room to dilute, dilute, dilute...smh