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02/01/19 1:08 PM

#153196 RE: jyyoo #153194

We have no idea if garrett has influenced solomon at all.

The way i see it, the market has prohibited solomon to do business as usual. If we were trading at 1usd solomon would probably still be issuing shares.


02/01/19 1:30 PM

#153197 RE: jyyoo #153194

there's no evidence of any of this:

seems very clear that Garrett has finally gotten through to Solomon in getting him to understand how to properly manage SIAF going forward

the facts:

if bankruptcy and defaulted debt are "western" then you will love the share price in another three weeks with all of that TOXIC debt converting and selling!

garrett "group" already profiteered $7,000,000.00 form their TOXIC debt conversion this past year - we called it PERFECT and indeed it was more scamming from "non-affiliates" who made their money and left the gambling table.....

given that #GG would have to teach "the one and only employee" of this scamtopia of a freudian investment pfallacy! lets just realize that it's one chain coming 70-something year old scammer and his merry band of CJV assets "borrowed" and that you have all been taken to the cleaners.