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01/31/19 9:32 PM

#17141 RE: 1st-time #17137

Takes both sides to make a market the good the bad the ugly. Faintly popping in on occasion "warning" us of things already discussed is ineffective in swaying sentiment.

Everyone see's this play differently, shorts try to desuade with stories or negative headlines trying to creep into our brains causing us to doubt what the longs are banking on,

Drains decision tomorrow.

Tomorrow decides if Monday is a GO. If allllll of the parties submitting their claims made by January 26th deadline
are accounted for addressed and entered in to the record,



Drain tells Eddie & Sears

~ Blue ~

02/11/19 2:03 AM

#20512 RE: 1st-time #17137

They do always, that is true....
the name is fool.. lol:)