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01/31/19 4:21 PM

#634 RE: tedro84 #633

You defended clean teqs poor performance on the OTC saying that most of their trading occurs on the Australian stock exchange suggesting that the stock has done well there.

That simply is not true.

I just looked at the Australian Stock Exchange and over the last year, clean teq has fallen over the last year from $1.38 to .41.

On the Toronto Stock Exchange there were only 500 shares traded today in Clean Teq. One year ago, clean teq traded on the TSX at $1.42 and now trades today at .395

And on the OTC, 1 year ago, clean teq traded at $1.19. Today it sits at .31.

Clean teq in contrast to NioCorp has fallen between 60-70% in value on all 3 stock exchanges.

Kind of interesting that you put such a positive spin on clean teq excusing away their poor performance while attempting to put a negative spin on NioCorp whose performance over the last year has shown a positive upward trend.


02/01/19 12:24 AM

#638 RE: tedro84 #633

Fine job on update 84. Sure none of these cats even read your links IMHO. Btw®ion=CAN&culture=en-CA

That is just USA funds. Landmark how many shares does your gem has holders like this? Follow the money. I have read your links before 84. CLQ will be going into production this year. And you are right MCC was a hold up 84. Saw your post on EXMGF board. I have a lot of marbles in that one. NTE may do very well btw. Perhaps someday we could chat off the boards?