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Kool Aid Man

01/31/19 4:12 PM

#80464 RE: Gemma #80460

I concur somewhat in that I do believe the BLDV H360 marriage is being facilitated by Cann10-Israel. They are clearly the common denominator between the two entities. In his PR back on 4/20/18 Alper admitted that a (reverse) merger with Cann10 would be difficult for several reasons-- most notably because it would involve foreign ownership of an American public company. I believe Cann10 is primarily concerned that their equity stake is in the hands of a good steward. They've had well over a year to get to know and observe Alper. It's pretty obvious he wasn't/isn't up to the task.. especially not running the company by himself.

IMO there's no way Josh keeps that Preferred A share with it's 69% Super Vote privilege. H360 would never let themselves be held hostage by him that way. If anything, the share will be transferred to Scattini or retired. Having one person control 69% of the votes is ludicrous IMO.

It's not vital that a corporate name change happen but I predict it will. First of all it costs next to nothing ($50 maybe). New management always wants to re-brand things and distance themselves from all the old failed PR's floating out there. Besides, "Blue Diamond Ventures" sounds more like a mining company than anything to do with MMJ. I also predict they'll apply for a ticker symbol change. However, this has to be approved by FINRA.