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01/31/19 1:23 AM

#24117 RE: NYBob #24115

In Maduro's Venezuela, even counting gold bars is a challenge

Submitted by cpowell on 01:33AM ET Thursday, January 31, 2019.
Section: Daily Dispatches
By Laura Millan Lombrana
Bloomberg News
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Venezuela is home to rich gold deposits and holds billions of dollars
of foreign reserves in gold bars in the central bank's vaults.
The question is: How much is there?

The answer has taken on added significance as beleaguered President
Nicolas Maduro faces increasing pressure to resign.
Last week countries including the U.S. and U.K. recognized
the leader of the National Assembly, Juan Guaido,
as the Venezuela's legitimate leader, amid mass protests.
On Monday, the Trump administration issued new sanctions that
effectively block crude exports to the U.S.,
where Venezuela gets the bulk of its cash.

While crude is by far Venezuela's largest export, refined oil and
then gold both make up significant sources of revenue,
according to data compiled by the Observatory of Economic
Complexity of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
But both the nation's gold reserves and mining production
have dropped in recent years as Maduro's regime used
the yellow metal to generate hard currency in
international transactions -
- and even to exchange it for food and medicine. ...
... For the remainder of the report:

* * *

Don't deal in Venezuelan gold, White House says in anti-Maduro push

Submitted by cpowell on 01:04AM ET Thursday, January 31, 2019.
Section: Daily Dispatches
By Shaylim Castro and Jeff Mason
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

CARACAS, Venezuela -- The White House warned traders on Wednesday
not to deal in Venezuelan gold or oil following its imposition of
stiff sanctions
aimed at forcing socialist President Nicolas Maduro from power.

National security adviser John Bolton tweeted that traders should
not deal in gold, oil, or other commodities "being stolen"
from the Venezuelan people, as opponents of Maduro's government
worried that a Russian-operated plane had shipped gold
out of Caracas this afternoon.

God Bless America