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02/05/19 5:16 PM

#9720 RE: wannabeeriche #9710

It’s the old trick of placing the coin under one of the three cups on a table. Then moving the cups about and picking the one with the coin underneath.

Let me give you an example of how this works. You set up three entities. One trading under the Nasdeq. Another under the over the counter ect.

Each entity is issued equity based on a ration of the parent company.

The ratio is adjusted accordingly to time and time accordingly to a set interest rate.

In the end everyone pays the same. Pricing is adjusted by revenue, credit and the forward and reverse splitting of the shares in question. It’s only when your trading symbol appears can you trade even or under.

If you bought a stinky pinky you can’t expect to trade in the arena of the New York Stock Rxchange. If you bought in the New York arena you can trade in the pinky arena.

This is referred to as short selling due to the arenas of the pinky is much cheaper to hold a performance in then the New York exchange.

The revenue is higher but your costs are as well much higher.

There are rumors that it could be going up too a higher trading venue but that dosn’t mean you will be going al long for the ride if you bought the stock in a over the counter venue. If you are allowed to trade then expect your position to be diluted.