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01/29/19 4:13 PM

#115994 RE: Turbozen #115992

Ah, MMEX-scam, and more non-factual information from the MMEX STRONG…

The residents of the City of Fort Stockton would be surprised to find that anyone, even MMEX-scam “built an Oil Refinery” within the city limits.

Factually, MMEX-scam has not “built an Oil Refinery” anywhere, within Fort Stockton, or otherwise.

Factually, while MMEX-scam has a parcel of Pecos County desert, that patch lies approximately 21-miles north-northeast of the City of Fort Stockton. Nothing is erected there, save for a flagpole, weathering alone in the desert.

Ah, the MMEX-scam fantasy… all it needs is crypto and cannabis to be truly complete.

This one Fort Stockton...MMEX built an Oil Refinery.