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01/29/19 11:56 AM

#115983 RE: Turbozen #115981

Actually the air permit is pretty much rubber stamped - and certainly not a big deal.

It doesn't require splitting the atom as you seem to think.



01/29/19 1:33 PM

#115984 RE: Turbozen #115981

Actually, MMEX-scam paid the $100 fee, along with a completed application package, for its Type O AQP.

This AQP is no longer valid, in that MMEX-scam utterly failed, and had an incomplete processing facility permitted - missing a desalter, pre-flash, critical pump-around, redundant heat exchange, and a steam unit.

But that’s beside the point…

MMEX-scam lacked the internal competence to complete the application, and had to pay a third-party consultancy, Trinity, to file on their behalf.

The Type O AQP falls under the Texas/TCEQ Permit By Rule (PBR) process - a “must issue” system. These permits are administrative, and apply only to minor source emissions. They can be completed by populating a spread-sheet, and guided form submission by an individual with marginal intelligence, and no engineering skills - businesses like dry cleaners, rock crushers, temporary paving plants, etc., routinely do so - without hiring a consultant.

TCEQ must grant the permit, if the application package is complete, and the fee is paid. There is no engineering review, or analysis, and the applicant is on the honor system to operate only what was permitted, within the minors source limitations for that permit class.

The MMEX STRONG routinely appear in a battle of wits, completely unarmed.

You really think they just pay a fee and automatically receive an Emission permit from the State of Texas?

You can review this information. you're welcome in advance