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11/08/06 7:45 PM

#7921 RE: Dr Bill #7919

Dr. Bill would you please respond to my open message to the board, I would value your imput. I believe that even you would admit, that the reputation of Jerry Swinford, and the potential of the Jet motor, under Mr Swinfords independent and total control, in a 1.9 spin off would change your perspective. Again were this to happen what would the effect on the price of ctbg, and the credability of gfci, for letting it happen.


11/08/06 8:00 PM

#7924 RE: Dr Bill #7919

Mr. Bill says, "Do you have any iota of business knowledge at all? Microsoft was brilliantly conceieved, and managed from day one."

HAHAHAHA yea, brilliantly stolen from IBM. HAHAHA you have got to be kidding, brilliantly conceived. From a freakin garage... Jeeeeees.

Bottom line here is, if Libya is for real you folks that sold are SOL!!! If libya's not for real, then you can all laugh at us idiots for holding...

Oh yea, my opinion.


11/08/06 8:36 PM

#7928 RE: Dr Bill #7919

OT: Dr Bill: Dig a little deeper!

Most companies have turbulent pasts! Simply because their revisionist historians have glossed over their naked truth doesn't necessarily mean that they were without heartache, pains, or struggle. It may interest you to know that some companies in my list almost went belly-up . . . twice!

So, enlighten me, O' Wise One, since you are a cornucopia of astute business knowledge! Teach me and guide me with your treasure trove of illuminating instruction -- that amazing encyclopedia of economic truth, which you so selfishly guard within that infinite expanse of intellectual genius you call a mind!



11/08/06 9:18 PM

#7932 RE: Dr Bill #7919

I have to go with Dr. Bill on this one. Microsoft brilliantly undercut WordPerfect and other competitors on price until Microsoft was the de facto standard and then jacked prices for their office suite into the stratosphere. Deciding to make money on their software instead of on hardware the way Apple and others decided to go was also brilliant. Microsoft is now just so huge they are suffering from the same affliction most large companies do where they can't focus on anything. However if you took Microsoft's Gates, Balmer and others and put them at the head of a small or midsize company I think they would kick butt.

A great product can sometimes make up for management, but usually the success or failure of a company is all about management, management, management. Small companies with complex business models and confusing PR's have usually done badly in my portfolio. I have even had CEO's of companies such as Paincare (AMEX:PRZ) tell me later they should have listened to me when I gave them stern advice on certain matters. Paincare continued making acquisitions with stock when their P/E dropped to 10. It was a recipe for disaster. All they needed to do was a little math and they could have seen that. But no - they took a great business model and great product and botched it up with BAD MANAGEMENT!