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01/28/19 11:07 PM

#18850 RE: blissedout #18849

An increase in capacity will be critical to be competitive and max revenue


01/29/19 1:03 AM

#18854 RE: blissedout #18849

$FRLF Nasdaq Bound

There’s the simple answer to any question if $FRLF can reach the $B’s in Market Cap

Yes and why is plainer than sight - Merida Capital Partners || reason for being in $FRLF is to be Nasdaq Company

As to comparing one’s Revs to another and being worth what they are isn’t that simple

The (2) now that have been brought to this Debate are both Nasdaq Company’s and a way to find Investors has changed for them, wanted to say Legally Trade but that isn’t right as a Pinky is also a Legal way to play

Some Investors just won’t Play a Pinky - Nasdaq gives them that Option to Invest Per their Tolerance Level as a safe Play, but the same Nasdaq rules do have some leeway on the Pinks and why one might not want to Play Pinky’s

As to the Money side or Revenues comparison - Another simple answer - more money in CBD than THC smokers could smoke but I would like to try

Rather than touch on those Nasdaq Company’s (But could If you really want)

Oregon which was what, the 2nd State to go weed - They have 1M lbs sitting there and can’t sell because can’t cross the Stateline - $2,450 lb goes for $100 a lb. with growers not even then begin to sell - $2.45B Value now $100M - The only blessing is now their finding out that old weed begins to change, High or THC effect changes to make you sleep, called “Sleepie Weed” but with so much it’s probably $100 lb.

(1) Nasdaq Company and they both deal in Marijuana (THC) and not Hemp, but they touched $300 a share but also have some factors that don’t work for $FRLF - The other has 173M Outstanding and did a IPO that started $17 but Opened over $20, kept going up and going up - Touched $300 but now $75 - kicker in the Story is that a man that owns 93% couldn’t sell for 180 Days (Lock-Up period), but that ended January 15th and that stock bounced to $100 but last (2) Days and now back to $75 but climbed a little with New AG (Maybe), he’s going to ahere to States Laws and keep the Fed’s out as long as done per the State, this Company worth $6B Market Cap But that 93% man owns $5.3B in his shares - You can bet the stock will come down and probably touch below $50

(2) Nasdaq Company you asked to compare, whole different critter here and cheaper than the other but not much, $3.2B now but also waiting on another $2.37B thrown at them but will also dish out additional shares @ 45% of the Outstanding but to a big Player (Big Tobacco), Granted this Company is Medical THC Weed, (like Tobacco wants to be a Medical Company), Anyway they also Recreational Weed, But again Big Tobacco Playing Because Cigarette or Tobacco has fallen to (1) in (10) Smoke USA now vs (7) of (10) in the 50’s

Think Legal Weed (THC) going to be what one would Smoke on a break or lunch during work - Couldn’t and shouldn’t - Market is Limited - Even as a cold-brew - Can only go so far

Plus Big Tobacco with Warrants can throw another $1.37B and gain an addition 72M shares but then own 57% of Company making it theirs - so a $3.2B Market Cap gets maybe another $3.75B thrown at it making what $7B Company? To me again the price will drop because of all those Shares in the mix but mostly from that Oregon Weed that’s $100 lb

Long story short is there might be more pot smokers but I believe it won’t change that much for THC

Another is Medical Weed when passes always allow one to grow their own, me in Missouri new Law Their drafting will allow me to grow up to six plants and have only (3) ready to Harvest at a time, I’ll grow my own, sure I might want a treat every once in a while, gummy bear here or Beverage there

Hemp to me is the Big Ticket - Especially Branded CBD that can be used in Health Care

Baby ass at the age of couple months will have a new cream, Lip Stick Eye Shaddow - Hand cream for moisturizer- For That muscle in the back that aches - still get Beverage that you can drink as you smoke that hemp smoke on the break and get backUp and continue your heart operation on that Patient with having maybe medicated yourself for Clearity like $FRLF offers

Hemp has a long way to go and endless

Merida Capital Partners || here for the same reason if one just thinks what coming

Nasdaq will change the investment crowd and your looking at cheapies here

All JMO - Hope this helps - $FRLF working the Branded CBD - Get it Approved for this or that and look out

Extraction Process - $FRLF seed to shelf - That’s the ticket

Write done August 2020 and check the price then and what you ask will probably be achive


01/29/19 1:10 AM

#18857 RE: blissedout #18849

I like to think that way to, but then what if the market gets yanked out from under us via competition.

like so sso many will - 400+ pc's
