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01/29/19 2:34 PM

#602 RE: The_Truth_NL #600

True. 3x average volume but why the buying after such a disaster??

Saving Grace

02/01/19 2:10 PM

#606 RE: The_Truth_NL #600

Not true, VALE will crash hard. The reducing of said 10% production will most likely have an actual of 25% to 40% as another operation may be shut down in Brazil for must needed structure and infrastructure evaluations, assessments, and revisions including revising it's estimates as production will be extremely lower.

S11D will also take a hit being comprised of low grade IO where sinter feed and fines is no longer in demand while China doesn't even want it as new emission standards have been adopted reducing pollution to air quality.

The market fed people a bunch of shit with the lump IO as anybody can see from an aerial photo. China simply doesn't want low grade material anymore, in fact, nobody does.

There are better miners out there than VALE who is going to be in a shit load of heat from this one and in court for years. Their only safety net that is soon to collapse is that Brazil itself is a shareholder and why it's keeping balance and that's it. The rest is just smoke and mirrors.