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01/27/19 1:07 AM

#28639 RE: SquirrelCage #28638

I think cyrcadia time has passed,
Looking back there wasn't really any delays,they just weren't being honest.
They weren't ready ...

If the delays came from the trials because they exceeded the limit of women and needed more time to read the data we would understand,that would be a good delay.

If delays came because pre-order sales couldn't match the speed of production.we would understand,that would be a good delay.

If delays came because they wanted to donate the itbra to under developed countries/towns/vilages that had a high rate on breast cancer vs filling pre-order,again good delay and we would understand...

I don't see any reason for multi year delays.
From I see the trials have not been active
How can they keep working on the bra if the trials aren't collecting data ?
And if it's a money issue well then it will never get any better,how could it?

Jmo,only way to get the itbra main stream and have a chance is to get it where its only needed to worn for 5 min or less a month and to donate 1 bra for everyone bought....oh yeah most important of all, beg Big pharma to partner up,make a deal they can't refuse,
even if means giving up total control.
They way it's being managed currently I honestly don't see anything major ever happening,you can have the best product in the world but if you can't find a way to get it to everyone its worthless,
I would start begging ASAP...
Just my opinion off course


01/27/19 1:18 AM

#28640 RE: SquirrelCage #28638

I think many patents are created in hopes some one can sell them or maybe just sue....i agree many never make the jump to market...
But how about the ones that are already selling and say patent pending?
Tbh I don't the patents have anything to do with Cyrcadia delays.
Think ita a money issue
And if it's not money issues I don't what it could be...
Example, if they has money they could have produced the bras for the pilot last few years when it first announced,CA could have been working out all the bugs all this time and been ready to roll out full launch ....
How far could CA go at this pace?
Jmo i would give up total control if it was the only way to have a chance