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01/26/19 6:52 PM

#22622 RE: OCMillionaire #22621

Wow, photos just took last December!!!!

Mr Wowza

01/26/19 7:00 PM

#22626 RE: OCMillionaire #22621

Now 12000 acres? Am I dreaming?

War Shark

01/30/19 1:08 PM

#24758 RE: OCMillionaire #22621

These instagram pictures are insane! One of these plants is more weed than most OTC MJ's have in their entire operation.

War Shark

01/31/19 6:54 AM

#24993 RE: OCMillionaire #22621

War Shark

01/31/19 10:18 AM

#25147 RE: OCMillionaire #22621

Must look at these instagram photos!

War Shark

01/31/19 10:57 AM

#25204 RE: OCMillionaire #22621


02/01/19 8:51 AM

#25887 RE: OCMillionaire #22621

OCM - If this hits 0.01 today or next week - I loose on our bet
I will accept my defeat in that case
There is definite momo here
It does not feel like real investors, more like just flippers playing it for day to day bread and butter, hence the moves down are fast, lot of ASK stalkers here, flashing 8-9 million on ASK with bid below..NOT GOOD..that is what flipper stocks do. I also don't like the fact this has too many shares. If this was thin floater would be much higher and I would be here just for thin float. This stock has too much churn and too many shares. The chart is helping rally and possible breakout to 0.01 is on card as chart punters join the rally seeing high volume breakout yesterday above 0.0063 previous resistance, if I am correct this will hit 0.0083-0.004 today based on chart pattern just purely on charts. I can't deny chart here. It's good. I expect pullback to 0.006 to retest the breakout point and if there is enough momo could hit 0.0084-0.0085 target and Monday hits 0.011-0.01 as weekend buzz push this higher..I know charts pretty well..

However I am still not convinced about the assets and why would company wit big assets merge with a shady shell using RM. I also think this stock has lot of flippers, don't like that. I am still convinced this is not investment grade play until I see full filing with their revenues, debt and real assets, something is not real here, excessive flipping with people/flipper sitting on the fence ready to dump on any sign of downtrend is not very good..

I am still not sold onto this one until I see filings and current revenues. The outlandish prediction here of 500 million based on land seize is joke and extreme PUMPING..that is huge red flag..That's all BS !!. I know it. If this was real, someone would have acquired it by now..

Don't invest until you see filing and revenue
Later people will find everything is zilch and nothing..
This will go in free fall if people find out revenue is nothing
Assets is one thing, show Hemp revenues and CBD revenue, then there is some credibility

Until then flippers will rule the game here because many are flipping sitting on the fence..all day..
Real investment grade stock move slow and steady and don't have that many 1-2 tick flippers playing all day

Anyway good luck

War Shark

02/01/19 11:12 AM

#26089 RE: OCMillionaire #22621

These photos are incredible! PAOG has 1,500+ plants and DKSC has 200 acres. The amount of MJ NNRX grows makes every other play look small. This is opportunity knocking!


02/01/19 11:24 AM

#26103 RE: OCMillionaire #22621

Those plants are giant compared to the woman walking lol

War Shark

02/02/19 10:21 AM

#26581 RE: OCMillionaire #22621

12,000 acres mj, certified by the USDA and the pics (and videos) are stunning!


02/04/19 11:00 AM

#27429 RE: OCMillionaire #22621

Some of those pictures look like they have some killacious bud on


War Shark

02/05/19 3:13 PM

#29055 RE: OCMillionaire #22621

These instagram pics are sick. Awesome DD OCM!

sin vester

02/05/19 3:48 PM

#29097 RE: OCMillionaire #22621

any idea of when they will be going current? TIA