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Porgie Tirebiter

01/25/19 7:33 PM

#30691 RE: JRyan #30690

We all know it yet some here IGNORE it.

No actually, the SEC probe has been getting a lot of attention - and well it should.

lucky, mydog

01/26/19 1:41 PM

#30695 RE: JRyan #30690

none of that caused failed drilling, which is why the price is where it's at.


01/27/19 12:41 PM

#30708 RE: JRyan #30690

You see it was set up BEFORE Zion was informed of it.

ZN set itself up.

If the Whistle Blower submission was pure nonsense, the SEC would not have started an informal investigation, and then proceeded to a formal investigation. Issuing a subpoena indicating to the market a formal investigation was now open.

In the WB report in the link you provided, the SEC would be focusing on auditing, and DSPP irregularities. Along with any insider dumps in conjunction with concurrent misleading PRs. All of the fluff about "Religious Affinity" has nothing to do with securities law. Neither does the SEC care about what is posted on the Internet.