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01/26/19 12:20 PM

#9633 RE: angelo2112 #9453

No. I did not invest in vyst too early. I invested in vyst years ago based on the massive insider buying at that time plus an extremely low share count. It was something like 30 million shares out there compared to the 500 million today.

Years ago the sleep division was making money until the company sued the doctor selling it and discontinued the division.

Years ago, the company had the patents. I thought and still do think, those patents are important.

Over the years vyst chugged along. The insiders still purchased shares which was great and gave an investor such as myself a bit of hope in an otherwise hopeless situation.

Lien and other news came along. There was finally a deal with Rodham's. Amazon had product for sale... All sounded great UNTIL the sec filings showed a barely noticiable blip on revenue from latex sales... meaning my neighbor made more money selling firewood last year as a hobby than vyst sold matteress/pillow merchandise.

And then, more announcements. A new ceo, new location PLUS the takeover of UVFT which was a company mentioned a year earlier as the two companies had met at a trade show.

Now, here we are the last six months. 500 million shares which enabled the sharks to feast by either naked shorting, common trading, hype, intuition... whatever one wants to call it.

The stock price plummeted, then the last few trading days were wonderful, mainly due to the "talked to the ceo, omg what a nice man, he told me no r/s, a vyst mattress in every home and free candy!" along with the 250 million share buyback news. GREAT! My investment recovered a bit while others made great bank with lots and lots of other 'new' investors dreaming of no r/s, mattress, pillows, condoms, balloons, and yes, candy!

So no, I did not invest too early. I invested. Invested being the key word. For me, no profit and maybe there never will be as I'm not the flipping sort of playing the .001 daily game.

If it reaches .09 great, if it goes higher, fantastic. But this is penny land and OTC. And so the question remains, maybe I should have never invested in this company in the past... or now.