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01/23/19 3:44 PM

#254673 RE: MXAMDUD #254665

There are plenty of decisions that have been made with which I disagree. Some of those I benefit from hindsight and some I don't. It's even alright if some feel that he is incompetent overall - that is an opinion.

The continued accusation of legally-actionable misdeeds, criminal behavior, and general character assassination is just disgusting.

-This is a man who loaned millions of his personal money to the company.
-This is a man who, along with other officers, deferred significant amounts of salary.
-This man tried to limit fund raising to reduce shareholder dilution. (It backfired but was still a noble goal)
-This man pushed through 8 clinical trials over 6 years.

-Who loans personal money to a scam they themselves are running?
-Who defers salary if the purpose of the scam is to have a lifestyle company?
-Who restrains raising money in a scam?
-Who spends massive resources on ultimately futile clinical trials if it is a scam?

If Leo was running a scam he would have raised $30-40 million back in 2013, halted all trials, and coasted with a big salary and a bunch of excuses for decades. He isn't. He is just a guy attempting to succeed in the start-up biotech arena and bring live-saving drugs to market. He hasn't always made the right decisions and the world definitely isn't working in his favor, but he's doing his best.

I know there won't be apologies. I just hope there is a little bit of shame present when he comes through.
I hope it is felt when someone cashes out with a profit.
I hope it is felt when a loved one's life is saved by Brilacidin or Kevetrin.

Criticize the man's actions if one feels the need, but don't slander him. There is no sound reason whatsoever to believe that Leo has anything but shareholder's best interests at heart.