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01/23/19 2:47 PM

#39829 RE: whizknock #39828

if weve already won as yu said and waiting on the masses or groups as yu said, are the groups held prisoner and cant touch their trading devices? cause SURELY, they all already know about fnhi. they passed right by it apparently


01/23/19 3:11 PM

#39830 RE: whizknock #39828

WHIZZER....that makes be all jiggy inside..great job


01/24/19 9:51 AM

#39835 RE: whizknock #39828

A Must Read FNHI DD. The BEST!

4 new customers came on board last week. More bread and butter for us.
Still heading towards that next Big buyer in March to come on board. Waiting on a few more pieces to fall in place for that.
Rossi will need a China trip for that one..Feb?
The massive US sales sector for truck accessories is looking at WorkSport once again. Taking Rossi for real. What is sick, the sector knows Rossi, they know what he can do. He’s a proven CEO. Now a very seasoned young CEO.
CSE hits and that need for our covers comes back with a vengeance. We are the only manufacture outside of the Big Two, that own this cover sector. We are the only option out there.
I would not discount this stock investment. Not at these give away prices.
I’m building more dry powder to continue to add.

FWIW: This is OTCX below. He’s been holding .02-.025 hostage for the past month.
I know I got over 750k+ in that range.
He can’t have too many left. Not when seeing 100-300k Bid wacks ever day from before Christmas. O/S has not changed..Not to mention the 2mm+ Shares bought on the ASK. Yes a few dingbat retail has added to the dump here, but we are very close.
One big dip on the BID side and OTCX moves his orders to $200, its game on for organic trend out of the 2s for good.
Then we get to show how thin this is..

Its not really good for me to talk about shares and my thoughts on shareholders selling, but you guys are all kind of our family so I will always shoot from the hip. So, yes, the only issuance that had a lower cost basis that is not “friendly” at this time was the one that drew down 10MM shares last year (or late 2017) and I know he reported having 4 million in the summer-time, so that’s the only “lose end” we have, but when he sells out, he’ll have to go over my dead body to lay his hand on one share that he doesn’t buy at a premium from the open market.