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01/22/19 10:06 PM

#57 RE: JohnCM #56

So - one can attribute this move to quote : "the uptick in MJ" but..... NOT to the/a/my basic Ruler-Line (you're sayin') ?

Nah....I'll stick with MY reasonings for the move man, thanks.

3 days before the rise began :

Hmmmm - Ah, ok - Actually = Closed at 7.12 - Ok so.....It's up 25 % off The Line

And I imagine yer right - That it's ON NO NEWS . . . .

So, it'd be a 100 % TA - Ruler Line Move

Or, as you like to put it : It's an......Attributable to "the uptick in MJ" Move

Not what I'd call it - It's a Ruler Line Move !