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01/22/19 1:59 PM

#67163 RE: otcchamp #67162

Every legit sub penny stock needs 12.9 billion A/S with over 6 billion outstanding and no revenue. Sounds like a great investment. SMH load the boat.


01/22/19 2:12 PM

#67167 RE: otcchamp #67162

Penny stock CEOs often stretch the truth, Nothing presented in a pink sheet PR should be believed as factual.

I wish I had a dollar for everytime the claim was made that “dilution is over” - and Listermann just kept on issuing shares.


01/22/19 4:12 PM

#67183 RE: otcchamp #67162

Go back a little further in your reading and you will see that Brad has already stated that trying to get a reg A is hard to do when you are at triple 0’s which was his excuse for that failed r/s.
Since he is still trying for the reg A it is not hard to think that he will state and do the same thing again since we are virtually at the same point.