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02/06/19 7:33 AM

#429 RE: whytestocks #428

Heck my small business and many others donate to Salvation Army and Habitat all the time and NEVER get our names in the paper...

I advise all NC residents and DUK shareholders as well to look and watch what is going on with the recent C-11 Filing of PCG (Pacific Gas & Electric) as this could very well be where DUK ends up too. Already DUK is pricing many of tis NC residents out of the market as rates continually escalate year after year after year as they have been... Already massive proeprty revaluation went into effect last 2 weeks as all new Full Democratic Commissioner Board in Charlotte do what they do best- Tax & Spend and now thousands of Charlotte region residents cannot afford the higher energy rates but also higher property tax rates and is a massive problemm right now... They are being pushed/priced out of their homes and neighborhoods !!!