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01/20/19 7:05 PM

#13373 RE: Sprycel #13371

Yep! Corrupt Brokers Like Td-Aturd there Naked short MM's and Friend's will always distort with No facts to back up there distortion while shorting. They Just short and distort calling GCAN a Scam while there corrupt Brokers hold there Clients GCAN Dividend Hostage for Absurd Most likely Illegal Ransom Fee's.
The GCAN Facts will continue for sure! GCAN and Will.
Yes GCAN did get us the GCAN dividend! FACT!
Yes GCAN did file the S1 registration! FACT!
Yes GCAN did get SEC & Finra approval for GCAN to trade! Fact!
Yes GCAN was registered! It did IPO and is Trading. FACT!
Now that GCAN has the Dream team. Plus GCAN is trading along with GCAN's ORAL Cannabis products and a soon to be ICAN merger That will take Our Cannabis products worldwide. GCAN ICAN UCAN and Wecan!

The GCAN agreement with ICAN alone will include commercial ready formulations to meet medical and recreational market demands. Distribution and marketing rights for iCAN will include Israel, Australia, South Africa, Netherlands, South Africa, Mexico, Colombia, Panama, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Malta, Macedonia, and Portuguese territories: