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01/19/19 12:48 PM

#18492 RE: GarReal #18488

I never said or implied that Ford was the cause that made CEGX go bad. I'm providing CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence of relationships. Like in a murder case circumstantial evidence is hard to prove things. But there probably are statistics that show people involved in situations with suspicious activities...may have a connection.
CEGX had multiple oil leases that never produced hardly any oil from the leases over years of ownership. Work to get the leases up and producing must never have been done. I know...I've looked up their production data in Texas. Those leases are now all gone. Do they have any assets to make money? So why step into CEGX and try to recover it in today's oil market under the name CEGX? To recover investor capital would require astronomical and impossible returns. Now...if you can acquire leases today and oil shoots up to $400/bbl you might get half the investors capital back in 10 years. There's no math behind these numbers but there are within the range of reality.


01/19/19 4:49 PM

#18493 RE: GarReal #18488

It does show a willingness to get involved with scams. Scammers get involved with scams.
