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01/17/19 2:32 PM

#2443 RE: AC7880 #2442

No doubt in the world that this is well on its way to .005 at which point it may or may not be a BUY! Anyone Married to this PIG needs a divorce ASAP!


01/17/19 4:11 PM

#2444 RE: AC7880 #2442

A failed deal is one that looses money on your investment. Our new CEO pulled the plug on another bad investment just like he did on TRTC. Better to invest in Bald Peak properly than expend capital with a questionable return. They had already renegotiated the deal just recently for less money but obviously it still didn't fit as a good enough profit center. Now they don't have to keep on how pot is going to be legal and everything is going to be great! Look at the big investment that just took place in Canada into producing CBD chews and oil. That is the right direction to go!


01/17/19 6:16 PM

#2446 RE: AC7880 #2442

I didn't appreciate it at all. I was sort of surprised to see the press release last night. Conveniently released after close. I bailed first thing this morning with a 25% loss. Should have bailed a week ago at 0.14. It sounded fishy when someone on here noted that the Tahoe section was removed from GLD web-site, and the lame excuse that it shouldn't have been there to begin with. I stayed with GLD Specifically for the deal. Even waited it out at 6 cents. Not doing it again.

I do think that the Fed. Recreational will be coming sooner than people may think. There is a lot of talk from a lot of politicians about getting changes. Both sides of the aisle. They see the potential Revenues. Even Emperor Cuomo has changed his tune, and has proclaimed this a PRIORITY for NY state, this year. As California and NY goes...the nation isn't far behind. And some of these players are potential candidates for 2020. Not that I am endorsing ANY candidate on this board. It's just the facts.

See you all again at a nickel... or less. GLTA!