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01/17/19 12:56 PM

#2205 RE: danimalmidnight #2204

It was fun to see how that link to the chart opened up in TradingView, which is my primary non-brokerage chart app on the web.

Yes, I feel consolidation happening. I am very happy to see it happening actually, as seeing millions of shares trade hands at .24 to .27 (US) provides better stability and potentially provides a solid base. We haven't seen consolidation since November, when it appeared prices were settling into the .22 to .26 range. That was right before all the shit hit the fan with multiple negative news stories. Not a happy time for me, especially as the stock plummeted to .11 (oh, how I wish had major capital at that time).

THIS time we can hope to see positive news lift the stock price out of its consolidation range. Even if the price trickled back to .22 or something, I wouldn't be alarmed as Liht seems much better positioned now than they were a month or two ago. Because of that, I expect us to surpass .30 in February (if not sooner). Getting that first harvest on our books is critical. Sets the stage for the future and hopefully wakes up the market.

To see true acceleration in the price as LND2 anticipates, we need much higher volume. To be honest, for a stock trading for less than half a dollar, our volume is rather pathetic. Don't know how we get it, but we need better market exposure.