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01/17/19 11:51 AM

#90867 RE: cdiddy01 #90860

"They have to partner NEO very soon given the costs, that's just a reality. Lets hope they're not reckless enough to continue it if they don't have someone basically lined up to pick up the costs..."

Agree. IMO, KB probably made his decision to keep funding and spending on NEO given that patients have already been dosed, and they already have data - and will have more data - in the first half of 2019.

IMO, he most likely looked at the incremental costs needed to produce an initial data package for potential partners (from the time AMGEN bailed) and concluded that those incremental costs are relatively low, given the potential rewards... a new NEO partner.

If KB keeps spending on NEO without a partner after May/June 2019, then I'd be concerned. For now, I think he made the right decision to continue the spending for a bit.