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01/15/19 8:07 AM

#492256 RE: navycmdr #492255

this should be sticky note if not already in another form. Im so tired of even starting to read garbage about what will never happen and denial what is happening.
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01/15/19 8:07 AM

#492257 RE: navycmdr #492255

The Conservatorships of Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac: Actions
Violate HERA and Established
Insolvency Principles

"Unfortunately, FHFA and Treasury have ignored

the stakeholder protections in HERA and the long-established

requirements and interpretations embodied in the FDIA

as well as other U.S. and international insolvency laws
," they write

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01/15/19 8:28 AM

#492263 RE: navycmdr #492255

Why don't they submit this paper as evidence to en banc judges?

Couldn't hurt. Lol
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01/15/19 9:12 AM

#492269 RE: navycmdr #492255

thank you

like most sane and bright people he finds the NWS a violation of law and worse

but what did he recommend ?
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01/15/19 9:19 AM

#492274 RE: navycmdr #492255

What do you think are the chances for an out of court settlement before Jan 23rd
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01/17/19 6:43 AM

#492912 RE: navycmdr #492255

Well then shouldn't the courts fall in line with similar thinking. Could the courts be so arrogant as to resist any out side analysis of HERA. Me thinks we are so close to a serious breakout. Only possible reason holding it up might be the cluster fock in congress of housing finance reform.