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01/14/19 2:50 PM

#54874 RE: RodeKroet #54873

omg Rode

I would like to go to Davos (less then 2 hours away from me) and talk a bit with these guys...BUT....unfortunately I am not invited in the WEF.

what is the WEF?

"The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting is the only yearly gathering that brings together leaders of global society. The heads and members of more than 100 governments, top executives of the 1,000 foremost global companies, leaders of international organizations and relevant non-governmental organizations, the most prominent cultural, societal and thought leaders, and the disruptive voices of the Forum’s Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers and Technology Pioneers come together at the beginning of each year to define priorities and shape global, industry and regional agendas.

Participation is by invitation only and reserved for members of the Forum’s communities. The ongoing close collaboration with those communities in cooperation with a Network of Global Future Councils ensures the solution-oriented substance of the Annual Meeting. Numerous initiatives of global importance have been launched in Davos.

The World Economic Forum is an independent and impartial International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. Its objective is to improve the state of the world. It does not promote any political, commercial or personal interests, nor does it use the names of its participants for promotional purposes.

The Annual Meeting aims to be open and inclusive. Transparency and public inclusion are achieved through broad international media participation, televised sessions and webcasts, and through the Forum’s millions of followers social media. The Annual Meeting achieves the greatest media impact compared to any annual event outside the world of sport."

just for your informations


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01/15/19 4:01 PM

#54881 RE: RodeKroet #54873

rode-weed already_being sold in US/canada so what's_securing_the_supply chain?

seems a reasonable question 2ask.

on the face of it, with large scale sales currently occurring in canada and u.s., it appears track-n-trace mechanisms are already in place by the respective companies 2secure the supply chain per state regulations.

so where does apdn fit into the cannabis space in the long-term if the need for their product already seems 2have been addressed?