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01/14/19 12:38 PM

#108240 RE: Garpeters #108239

They are all connected.
So Jeez, I'm tried of trying to talk since to you.


01/14/19 1:37 PM

#108244 RE: Garpeters #108239

Some things $GCGX does are connected to $TGGI, and will be for quite a long time.

The cash source $GCGX will be paying $TGGI is now about to be audited as $GCGX prepares for an uplist to the OTCQB, and later off the OTC altogether.

"... Global Consortium is pleased to announce the Company has engaged Marcum LLP as it auditors. Marcum will be completing audits for 2017 and 2018, the Annual Report filed for 2018 will be a consolidated Audited Report. $GCGX will uplist to the OTCQB then off the OTC shortly after ..."

$TGGI shareholders should feel confident both about the number of stores (over 400), and also that $120,000 cash will be paid as per the outline in the PR on 01/10/2019.