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01/14/19 1:09 PM

#29611 RE: Harry Winston #29610

They are always in time!


01/28/19 4:29 PM

#29616 RE: Harry Winston #29610

“I expect to see PEIX's full-year 2018 results posted soon.”

Full year and 4th quarter is within 90 days of the closing of the year. So they have until March.


02/22/19 1:28 PM

#29618 RE: Harry Winston #29610

"I hope that the company can improve its' numbers compared to 2017."

LMFAO.. Right on! You can "hope" for the best, but you would be wise to prepare for the worst.

Patent infringing PEIX will in no way improve over last years numbers. In fact, it'll be a bloodbath.

Patent infringing PEIX can't make money while stealing GERS patented technology, let alone when they're finally forced to pay royalties and millions in past damages.

Back below a buck next week for this patent infringing scam!

You've been warned!