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01/13/19 4:58 PM

#16799 RE: Krombacher #16798

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01/13/19 11:57 PM

#16804 RE: Krombacher #16798

In the made up "new erhc paradigm", the word "definitely" seems to have a different meaning than the one in the real world where it means without a doubt.

So in new paradigm terms:

erhc has definitely been a good investment as it dropped from $99 to almost zero

the transfer agent definitely was not gagged by erhc

all the money lost by everyone who averaged down (new paradigm calls it "dilution insurance") was a good thing - definitely

erhc definitely filed a libel suit, just look on the Harris County website and you won't be able to find it

the convertible notes were definitely not toxic

erhe will definitely be worth $7/share any day now, definitely by the end of February

short squeezes definitely happen when there are no shares short

So sad.