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01/11/19 9:26 PM

#9754 RE: ArrowsOverAthens #9753

What happened to no funding for it?


01/12/19 8:21 AM

#9756 RE: ArrowsOverAthens #9753

Good morning AOA, I meant nothing of the sort. My thought was their was no over reaction to Marvy's post. A delay though disappointing doesn't reflect on the fact(s) that phase 2 was positive and phase 3 approval has neither been approved or denied but rather delayed due to the need for more funding (nothing more and nothing less). And for the record I have no reason to doubt Marvy though i did not try to confirm his information. What i did do though is fire of an email to CN asking for an update of what should be connsidered a breaking material event if the information Marvy provided was indeed correct.