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Replies to post #878 on DDAmanda

Replies to #878 on DDAmanda


01/11/19 10:50 AM

#879 RE: bruce lee53 #878

That would have showed up on the 'Insider' would have also showed up on the 'Hi Factor' Scan, and the 'HiDol HiFact' Scan



01/11/19 10:53 AM

#880 RE: bruce lee53 #878

And Welcome to the DDAmanda Team!!! z


01/11/19 11:11 AM

#882 RE: bruce lee53 #878

Create a custom scan:

Price Min: 0.0001 Max: 0.01
$Trade Min: 2500 Max: 9999999
Factor 500

All other values at zero and no check boxes selected.

This will give you a $2500 and higher $$ volume with a factor of 500 and higher and eliminate all the noise of smaller movers.

This scan listed three to review, GLFW, NXMR, TRDX