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01/10/19 4:50 PM

#130323 RE: doogdilinger #130322

All the braindead "dump on news" for two tick flippers are out now. High .005X a nice base moving forward. Solid builds. Thank for the DD as always!


01/10/19 6:04 PM

#130362 RE: doogdilinger #130322

Fantastic DD. Thanks for sharing. This is a real diamond


01/11/19 6:47 AM

#130430 RE: doogdilinger #130322

Nice DD post for everyone!!!

Quick PAOG Due Diligence summary for those curious as to what's coming here:

"Looks like were having fish for dinner tonight!!" Friday night fish fry!!



01/14/19 10:13 AM

#131079 RE: doogdilinger #130322

Do the available due on our new CEO's last company VMR folks, for a tiny glimpse into just how BIG this one's about to become in Q1 now that he's officially taken the helm here weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee>>>


01/21/19 1:41 PM

#132794 RE: doogdilinger #130322

What benefits do these guys gain from being acquired by paog? Why wouldn’t they just start there own company?


02/17/19 3:33 PM

#134818 RE: doogdilinger #130322

Check out who showed up to the party.


03/17/19 5:18 PM

#136466 RE: doogdilinger #130322

Thank you sir for all that great info much appreciated ! No boondoggling from the doogdilinger !