This assumption that at the end of the month or March 100m will be the OS. You are correct in that this company is making a ton of money with very little debt. I would encourage you to read my posts over the past few days that explains this 100m OS. Some of the talking heads are talking about how tilray and aurora are buys. I don't share that view because they are deeply in debt, they have negative earnings and they do not have operations in the US.
"Aurora also suggested they will have positive EBITDA by the second calendar quarter of 2019" "For Tilray, Azer thinks sales can reach $120 million in 2019, lifting the stock to $150, from its current price of 72 bucks. Conspicuously absent from the report are profit forecasts, since both Canopy and Tilray are expected to lose money as they invest in growing their businesses. Azer’s only reference to margins is her prediction that Canopy’s overhead expenses should “begin to normalize,” while Tilray’s operating losses should narrow."
So far TCNNF is doing a pay as you go, therefore all revenue and cash on hand as well as that coming on a monthly basis (about $30m + quarterly) will help with expansion of building out their other locations. Florida is the 3rd largest state in the US. In the very near future IMO the State of Florida will allow smokable and edibles, which will be highly lucrative for TCNNF. The company has only been listed on the CSE since Sep. The talking heads are basically covering Tilray and Aurora because they are listed on the US stock exchange and in doing so Tilray and Aurora are not allowed to operate in the US. TCNNF will have blow out revenue for 2018 and the CEO has projected 2019 at $214m. I look at it like, we are lucky to get in at these levels. Probably some people are doing a wait and see, which is a strategy. I think the only thing to consider is how long you expect to hold this stock. If you are a day trader you may want to consider a different stock. If you can buy and hold I think you will be rewarded immensely.
So using all of this information above, the analyst thinks Tilray will achieve sales of $120m (vs TCNNF CEO projected $214m in 2019). The analyst also thinks the stock will reach $150 per share, double it's current price. Would we not expect a similar projection for TCNNF which is almost twice the sales. I'm on the train, when it leaves the station I'll be looking back at the Unbelievers. :)
Once the talking heads figure it out, it will be too late.
This is not investment advice.