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01/11/19 10:06 AM

#91665 RE: planetaryfuture #91664

What does this have to do with RIGH?

May as well post about developments in the tooth-whitening business.

RIGH is toast, burnt and no longer in business.


01/12/19 1:18 AM

#91666 RE: planetaryfuture #91664

America Approaching Historic Moment Toward Cannabis Legalization .....

I have repeated several times on this $RIGH Investor's Hub Board that ..... from my perspective ..... there can be no possibility of a viable Corporate process for "Bud Genius" until the obstructive stigma of "FEDERAL-ILLEGALITY" has been removed .....

This piece of proposed ..... Representative Blumenauer ..... Cannabis oriented legislation moves one more step closer toward realizing a critical component of opening a clear and unburdened road toward operating a Cannabis related business enterprise for everyone .....

Prior to this crucial legislation ..... any and ALL efforts by $RIGH to break ground and make progress would have been little more than an exercise of futility with the well-funded Nixon-era W.O.D still in process .....

I wish to also contemplate the issue of potentially hearing some input from respected professional OTC Cannabis consultant ..... George Sharp ..... Busy actively advising other cannabis-related Corporations ..... GRD$ .... and others in process at this point in time ..... In effect ..... what would be Mr. Sharp's profesional ..... "Clipper Corporate Partners, Inc." opinion ..... concerning the prospects of "Bud Genius" ever becoming a viable business operation ? ..... While the strategic moment to ACT ..... is still YET to come !!! ..... Though apparently getting much closer !!! .....

I do not consider the "RIGH story" to be finished OR over ..... by any means ..... since RIGH had decided to take "Corporate survival measures" into their own hands ..... with "Silent Sal" in the picture ..... I realize others might disagree !!!

Might RIGH be considerd a "clean-shell" lacking a load of toxic debt ? ..... One finds no RIGH payroll to sustain nor has has there been a dilution of worthless paper ..... since the share price has been frozen in a .0001 groove for years with little to no trading volume .....

It seems ..... a number of start-up Cannabis Corporations might be looking for a "clean-shell" to leverage from ..... It's not a "big-deal" to bring RIGH paperwork current ..... especially if nothing much has been happening .....

And "Bud Genius" was not the entity charged with fraud by the SEC ..... Charges were against Angel Stanz ..... with the legal issues now settled and Mr. Stanz required to take a five-year break from any and all penny stock activities ..... Just saying !!!


BY BENJAMIN FEARNOW ..... January 10, 2019

Representative Earl Blumenauer of Oregon introduced a bill Wednesday that would regulate marijuana the same way the government currently regulates alcohol products.

The bill, H.R. 420, seeks to remove marijuana from the list of illegal narcotics under the federal Controlled Substances Act. The bill would also create a nationally regulated industry that would be overseen by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). "420" is slang among marijuana supporters that encourages celebration or smoking of pot on April 20, or at 4:20 on the clock.

Blumenauer, a Democrat from Oregon's 3rd Congressional District and a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, has worked with representatives from both parties toward legalization of marijuana and cannabis products in addition to seeking progressive reforms on the federal level. Marijuana is currently listed as a Schedule 1 drug defined as having "no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse." Marijuana sits alongside heroin, LSD, peyote and ecstasy on the Drug Enforcement Agency's list.

Blumenauer is the founder of the Congressional Cannabis Caucus composed of Republican congressmen Don Young of Alaska and David Joyce of Ohio, as well as Democratic Representative Barbara Lee of California. Joyce was recently named co-chair of the caucus that seeks to keep the federal government from interfering in state laws that have legalized marijuana or cannabis in order to "benefit our nation's veterans, patients and businesses across the country," he told earlier this week.

The Cannabis Caucus seeks to "end senseless prohibition, ensure restorative justice for those impacted by the War on Drugs, advance research and expand access to vets," Blumenauer tweeted Wednesday, encouraging voters across the country to ask their representatives to join the caucus.

“The Cannabis Caucus was the first of its kind to create a forum for elected officials to collaborate on ways to address our outdated federal marijuana laws,” Blumenauer told the group Wednesday. “Congress is clearly out of step with the American people on cannabis when national support for federal marijuana legalization is at an all-time high and we saw several states move toward with legalization last November."

“While the bill number may be a bit tongue in cheek, the issue is very serious. Our federal marijuana laws are outdated, out of touch and have negatively impacted countless lives," Blumenauer told NORML.

Best Wishes