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01/09/19 10:44 AM

#89948 RE: Man6677 #89920

IDK Man6677 I agree exciting times are ahead and now that hemp is legal in all 50 States. But its still overblown Ra Ra Cheerleading from the sidelines will not make it so. Sounds good. Like I said hemp and hemp products have been available in Oregon and other states for almost two decades. Yesterday I have 20 cannabis tickers I watch 17 were in the red. As this hyper hemp crap has done nothing since Farm bill passage. Oh sure it can make things easier to get hemp in the 7 states where hemp was still illegal. But for those of us who have been involved with cannabis we know it was never about hemp. SIPC won't get much of a boost from hemp. I know now blame the shut down but that's BS too. That next batch should of been done and Sipp should be PRing that is the case. I really hope Sipp does not have anymore debt where they give 20M shares away for nothing. Come on they gave away that 20M shares on the same day they supposedly got the bridge loan from WDRP for 500K. And for the life of me I can't figure out why they didn't sell 100K share for .04 and pay off the debt of $4000 And in the last 2 years SIPC did that 5 times for a total of 75M shares to pay off $15000 of debt. I want this to be very successful company I'm even betting on it just like you. It hard to gloss over stupid. IMO Go Sipp