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01/08/19 10:34 AM

#79804 RE: thomm #79802

Henry Ford built a car with soybean based plastic panels in 1940.
I think rodents chewed the panels and that, and WW 2 , stopped development. One of the panel ingredients was said to be hemp


01/08/19 10:59 PM

#79814 RE: thomm #79802

Bunch new derivitives bout spring up, hemp processing plants going up everwhere, clothes/plastics build-const.

Soon even cannabis mmj grows will utilize their biomass for building.

''9Fiber of Silver Spring, Maryland, plans to process waste hemp and marijuana stalks for industrial purposes such as bioplastics, construction materials and animal bedding''

The current domestic hemp-fiber market is tiny, Alai said. But 9Fiber plans to approach U.S. companies importing hemp products to pitch them on using domestic hemp waste instead''

There's more to it than THC/CBDs

